Power outage...lost most of my fish

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jul 28, 2003
Maryville, TN
Well, due to the power outage a couple of days ago, I lost 2 male bettas, a female betta, two cory cats and my daughter's goldfish. The only ones who are still alive and well are my oscars and pleco. It sucks because I was planning on breeding the bettas. Grrr...I think I'm just going to shut down those tanks for a while and focus on my Oscars.
Sad thing to read. Hope the daughter takes it well. Our three year old didn't have a problem when we lost a fish last week.
OMG - so sorry to hear about those losses - that's hard to take. Do you know what it was that was the main problem? Like temp, or water flow, etc.

I can't imagine that happening so I hope you will be able to reconfigure your tanks and soldier on, but I can certainly understand taking a breather!
I don't understand it either...they were all well fed...water quality was good...so I don't know. I can't get one of my filters on the O's tank to start back up so I have to buy a new one this week. I really can't fit it into my budget right now, but it's going to have to happen. Maybe I'll get my first penguin filter!!!
What kind of filter is on the O's tank? Maybe someone here can help you get it started.
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