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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 29, 2002
I just got my power head today and need to know how and where to position it, do I want it potinging down, or tward the tock???? I am hoping it will help with the algae (to get rid of it) I know have 9 hermit crabs, but only one snail because the LFS was out. Please help
You want to position the PH i a location that has no or very low current. Some forms of alage will form in areas of stagnent or low flow. The easiet way to combat this form is to simply increase the flow in that area of the tank.

You should be shooting for 460gph or more flow rate in the tank. Personally I like to have a bit more than the recommended 10X flow rate.
I'll have to agree with Aaron. You will want to put your powerhead in a place that gets you the most current in your tank. I don't know your setup. But I would suggest multiple PH's. You might want to have one just for the area behind your LR.

A great idea a friend of my had was to take a PH, point it down. Run a piece of PVC to the bottom of the tank, elbow and attach another PVC along the length of your tank. Cap the end and drill small hols along the Horizontal PVC. This will use one PH to distribute current throughout your LR.

I've got a bit too much LR to do that now but if I ever move my tank or get a larger one, I'll be fitting it with this setup.
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