Problem with fittings cpr50 overflow

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 29, 2011
Strongsville, Ohio
I have completely confused myself here!! What kind of fitting is needed for the bottom of the overflow box coming out of the bulkhead and where can I find flex tubing. I've looked all over the net and cannot locate tubing. The bulkhead opening on the bottom of the overflow measures 1"ID the instructions say use 3/4" schedule 40 pvc fitting here. Well 3/4" is so sloppy I would need to fill in a pretty large gap around the fitting to make it work. Am I a complete idiot or what?? Hope someone has the answer because I have fried my brain here. Thanks in advance.:banghead::thanks:
You will need a reducing bushing from 1"- 3/4" You should be able to find tubing at a home improvement center, or try contacting the mfgr of the overflow box.
I had trouble with my overflow. It was conceived in europe, so I think the tubes are in metric dimension, so to fit american tubing, I had to use lots of teflon tape and sand paper to make fit it,
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