Problems cycling 25gal Aquarium

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oh well she stopped it lol and all test show zeros .....besides nitrates and they dont look like they rising much. should they rise it fast
Hopefully not. You want to do weekly water changes of 30-50%. That should keep things in tip top shape.
test tonight show 0 ammonia and 0 nitrite and around 10ppm nitrate , it does not seem to be going up or should it just rise very very slowly i mean i now they gotta be producing ammonia and a noticable amount if it was not cycled huh?
yea should i just do a shoal of six and then do another small shoal of fish instead of gourmis i dont want them cause of aggression and diesese
If you really like gouramis, go ahead and get one. The dwarfs are somewhat disease prone. But your water is good. If you find one that looks healthy, go for it. The honey gouramis are supposed to be heartier. Just look at them a long time before you buy. If they seem lethargic, fins clamped or sitting on the bottom, don't buy. Sparkling gouramis would be another good option- cute, peaceful and small. Paradise fish are neat too. In your size of tank, I would probably only go for one or 2 at the most. Unless you do sparklers, you could do more of them. Remember, your guppies are going to start having babies all over the place, lol.
yea i just bought a ten gallon fry tank then later on im goin to buy a 40gallon show tank with mirrored back ground and make my 25 a species tank for just endlers
Snype2live said:
yea i just bought a ten gallon fry tank then later on im goin to buy a 40gallon show tank with mirrored back ground and make my 25 a species tank for just endlers

Haha! You're HOOKED!!! :) There are worse addictions. Lol.
lol i been hooked since i was 6 and now im 21 but could never find any ppl interested in it with me or anybody to talk to about it and then i i thought i found a good forum at tropical fish forums and started again and then like everyone quit talkin to me and it wasnt for not takin advice cause i took most of there advice unless it was riduclous but now i got a good forum i think its excellent
That's awesome. I'm glad you found this forum. Sounds like you are doing everything right with your tank. Have you thought about shrimp? When you get your 40 going... Oh man!
Have you looked to see if there is a local club in your area? There's one here. And they have swap meets and auctions. Might be a way to get different stuff. And there's always mail order.
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