Pteronotropis Signipinnis (Flagfin Shiner) jetajockey

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come get me tang police!
Apr 25, 2011
In a swamp near you /Pensacola, FL
Common name: Flagfin Shiner
Scientific name: Pteronotropis Signipinnis
Native range: Ranges from around central florida westward to Mississippi/Louisiana

Native habitat: Creeks, streams, areas with significant water movement.

Compatible tankmates: Community friendly

Recommended tank size: 20Long or larger

Size: Up to 2 3/4"

Diet: Insectivore, takes flakes/pellets immediately.
Description: Another beautiful shiner, tight schooling fish, great addition to add color to a community tank. Their size makes them a great schooling filler for larger 55g+ tanks.

Behavior: Peaceful, non aggressive. Like other tight schooling fish, their active behavior could possibly stress other fish, but in general they are good additions to most tanks.

Reproduction: Egg scatterer, eggs are possibly semi adhesive, well planted tanks allow for fry to hatch, some will be eaten but some will live.

General: Great coloration on these fish, a very uncommon and stunning display piece for any tank. I have found them in different temperatures ranging from low 70s up to low 80s, so I strongly believe they can tolerate a fairly wide range of setups.

Availability Limited availability, only a few people will carry these fish for sale. If you live in their native range, get a net and get you some, or find a retailer that can, you will not regret it!




Nice job and nice fish. You are making me consider moving farther south!
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