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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Aug 17, 2003
I'm in the process of setting up my 75g AGA. I still need to purchase an overflow box and pump though but I am not sure what to get. I've been hearing IWAKI pumps, lifereef overflows, and amiracle flows are great. Can anyone recommend or comment on these brands?

How many gph do I want to pump? My lfs told me 900gph should do the trick. How big of an overflow box do I want? Should I have more than one? Also, what is the difference between the IWAKI built in the USA and the one built in JAPAN? Is it just reliability? If so, which is more reliable. TIA
If you can aford it go for two overflows with at least 3/4" tubing. That way if anything ever happens to one you will not have to canoe up to the kitchen.

I have an Iwaki w/Japanese motor. Good pump overall, very low heat transfer for the power, but noisy. Japanese has much better reliablility and less heat transfer. Me tank ran at 83 w/o lights with my old pump, now I use a heater to get to 80.
I have a livereef double overflow and find it is a high quality made product.

I have a little giant external pump. I find the little giant pump of mine has a slight hum to it but nothing to loud.

When sizing the pump make sure you figure out the GPH rating at the head height your pump will have to push the water up. So if you get a pump rated at 900GPH at 0' head your not going to be getting that 900GPH at say a head of 3'.
low heat transfer if the amount of heat that the pump will put out causing the tank to heat up. i would probably recommend turning your tank over about 8-10 times an hour...so you will need a pump that will pump around that area including head. HTH
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