Purple Tang about to die - too late to save?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 6, 2006
Okay, so I've got a 100 gallon tank in which up until a week ago the only inhabitants were 2 percula clowns. Five days ago I added 3 tangs - one yellow, one purple and one blue. Up until about a couple hours ago they were all doing just fine. All 3 were swimming around, eating, being social. The yellow and purple were NOT fighting. They were all even cool with my cleaner shrimp.

Then i come home today and notice that the purple is not there. The lights come on and I finally see the purple, in some far corner of the tank. I totally thought he was dead. Everyone else was out and about. About half hour later he sort of comes out and I'm waaaay thankful he is not dead. Then I see the yellow just attack him. Nipping at the fins and all that.

Long story short, I think maybe the reason for this aggresive activity was because of a lapse in feeding on my part. I know tangs of the same size can have issues but these 2 were doing just fine and dandy. Intoduced at the same time, about the same size and all that. I think I might have been feeding them not enough. As soon as I put another strip of seaweed and fed them, I noticed all hostility cease.

So everyone is fine now, except I think purple is about to die. He was waaay unbalanced, and got stuck on the powerhead once. He is basically resting against a rock now. I don't have a quarantine tank and all the stores are closed right now.

What I'm wondering is if I can place the purple tang in one of the partitions of my sump. In the middle partition where the refugium is going to be, there is some live rock and the water flow is okay I think. If I can even get to the purple tang, can I place him here temporarily as a sort of quarantine?

Please help!

Here is where I want to put him:

I dont think that will be enough room . Do you have a bucket or an extra 20 gallon plastic tote bin and an extra power head and perhaps an extra filter? you could place him in the bucket for the time being and feed him . Adding garlic will help trigger the feeding response and perhaps allow him to get stronger with feedings also you could add a bit of selcon to the water as a bit of a suppliment as well . Also if you have some PVC piping laying around that will give him some where to hide and feel safe ?
I agree all the way, not enough room.

Secondly Purple Tangs so not usually fare well with other tangs unless it is a really large tank. I would recommend taking the others back, or the purple if he gets better.

I hope he pulls through!
I'll move this to the sick fish section. Good luck!
Most of the time I `ve seen yellow and purples not get along because they have similar bodt shapes. If you are going to mix tangs try to keep different body shapes and colors and sizes. I agree that there is not enough room in the sump. I hope he makes it.

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