Quarantine Tank

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 17, 2004
New Hampshire, USA
I have a 5 gallon Sterilite tub (bought at walmart and it hasn't been used) that I was hoping to use as a q tank. Has anyone used a plastic tub before as a q tank? Anything I should be concerned about?
Thanks & Happy New Year!!
I once used a brand new 5 gal paint bucket as an emergency hospital tank because my 10 gal quarrantine tank was occupied with some new acquisitions. It worked fine. When I'm not using it for fish, I store my Python in it. Likewise, I think the sterilite tub is a great idea because you can use it to store your fish stuff (food, dechlor, nets, etc) when it's not being used as an extra tank.

Here are some recommendations I would suggest...
1 NEVER use the tub for ANTYHING, other than storing your fish stuff - no detergents, no cleaners, no exceptions!
2 Rinse the plastic tub out thoroughly before using it for fish.
3 Have an extra 25 W or 50 W submersible heater on hand, so you can use it in the tub. Don't let it touch the sides or bottom of the tub because it may melt the plastic.
4 Plan ahead and have a cycled filter ready to go into the tub at a moment's notice. I keep an extra sponge filter running in my 15 gal all the time, so I can pull it out and use it to filter my emergency 5 gal bucket. I also have an extra biowheel floating in one of my tanks, so I can pop it into the Penguin Mini filter on my 10 gal quarrantine tank when needed.
Thanks for the tips! You mentioned rinsing the tub very well before using...should I bleach it (and rinse very well) to make sure it will be safe? Why I ask is because it really smells (new plastic smell). Thanks again!
There shouldn't be any need to use bleach if the tub is new. Lots of rinsing with hot water will help leach out any potentially harmful chemicals that are causing the new plastic smell.
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