Question about Big Al's Online

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 13, 2004

I had a question about

It says that for a check they wait 2 weeks to clear. How long on average do you Big Al's customers wait for your order when paying by check? I emailed them about it and never recieved a response.


I don't really like Big Al's online. If the item you want is under $10 and not in stock they don't let you depending on what you ordered you might be waiting forever. Drs. Foster & Smith costs a couple more dollars but the customer service is WAY better...they actually give you a tracking number without you having to call and ask for it.
On this general topic, what do people recommend for test kits?

I found this one that looks good. I am finally almost finished using my dip strips (newbie purchase) and am looking to replace with liquid kits. Do you think that these kits are good or is there another you would recommend? I plan on purchasing the separates as the master does not appear to come with nitrates. I don't think I need the low range and high range pH tests...

See, the problem is, I have a tight budget, and Foster and Smith have what I need, but it's gonna cost me about 40 bucks for the order.

I dunno...I love Foster and Smith.

Pkremer, I asked about that kit too, but I was also uneasy about the lack of nitrate tests.
Yeah, I ordered the kit from big als and it said it came w/ a nitrate test, and it didn't... so I called em up and got them to send me one for free. It is true however that they take a very long time to respond... I had to call em 3 times since someone was supposed to call me and the third time I called the lady said they had already sent out a nitrate test about 3 days before... I was just like "thanks for sharing and for the call back" :roll: But other than that I've never had a problem w/ em. If you get that kit just make sure you order a nitrate as well. At least they finally updated their website :evil:
One thing at Big Als you cannot compare with is there food: 1/2 lb. of flake food for 2.99 and other deals. I used a credit card when ordering so I didnt have to wait. Paige, I saw some thing not in stock, but for the most part erverything I wanted was there.
I think there are a lot of master kits that don't, for some reason, include nitrate kits. Several times I've heard of people having to order them separate. I bought all my test kits separately beacause that's all that I could get at my LFS, and all of them are Hagen test kits. I like them and they're easy to use.
That's right. Most kits do *not* include nitrate tests; I assume this is because they think nitrate levels are much less important to determining how healthy your fish are. (Of course, that's not entirely true.) I think it might also have to do with the fact that nitrate tests seem to be a little more complicated, with numerous reagants... I ended up buying one separately...
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