Question about Clown Pleco....

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Nov 5, 2005
Coral Springs, FL
I have a small clown pleco I just brought out of quarantine and into my display tank. my question is, is there enough food for it to eat? i tried feeding it those little discs but it doesnt seem to be eating them
The algae wafers are ok but you really need to supplement the clown plecos diet with fresh veggies....zucchine, peas, ect...
You also need wood. I've been doing some extensive research on plecos because I would eventually like to replace the common pleco I had with one that doesn't get quite so big and I've been reading that clown plecos are wood eaters. Stick a big piece of driftwood in there and watch him go!!
When i bought my pleco i said i dont have any driftwood and the bloke said that its a must.

Now i have 2 pieces, he seems happy. Great colours!
Clowns definitely require wood in their diet, and that means you have some serious waste that will be produced. You will need to vac up the debris more often than before you got him.
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