Question about Cory interaction

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 2, 2003
Illinois USA
I have a spotted cory. He has been in my tank for some time and gets along with everyone. I had a cave dwelling catfish of undetermined species. After several of my smaller fish began disappearing I removed the cat and took him to my lps.

They gave me credit for two corys. I would like some advice as to which type of cory will play well and compliment the one I have.

Any advice or suggestions are greatly appreciated.
I am not a cory expert, but from what I know, they can actually tell their own species from others. For instance, a panda cory will acknowledge other pandas but may not group with another species of cory. Try to get another spotted cory. You have several options- you could see if they can order them, or get them from another of their locations, or you could trade in the spotted and get a few of whatever species they have in stock.

Hi. Spotted Cory is a trade name given to many different Corys depending on the source. If you mean Peppered Cory (c. paleatus) they will get along with almost any Cory, but you can't go wrong with what are called Green or Bronze Corys ( C. aeneus) or the albino variant of that species. HTH.

Totally agree with guppyman,
Corydoras are great socializers, and it does'nt matter what cory you have they will all get on great together. All fish tell there own species by colour and markings but that does not mean just because your cory's are different types that they wont inter-mingle.
Get yourself a nice group of cory's and enjoy.
I have 2 albinos and one julii in my 29 gallon and they get along fine. I haven't had a problem yet. they interact and socialize just fine.

I have 1 bronze, 1 albino and 1 peppered. They all get along great. I often see the peppered sleeping on top of the bronze or albino. They generally forage solo but always come for a visit and have no problems during feeding time. There are even cases of them interbreeding (not in my tank though).
I had 2 spotted cories and I never saw em eat or swim around. About 3 days ago added a third and now they are always zippin around the tank beatin the Goldfish to the dinner table. I guess three's company.
I did not have a lot of success mixing Panda's with my bronze. But I think I had a mated pair of bronze without knowing it at the time. The panda's may have just been overly sensitive. I really liked them but didn't replace them. Waiting on my bigger tank.
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