Questions regarding Otocinclus........

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jun 25, 2005
Flagstaff, AZ
I recently purchased 4 Otocinclus fish from the local PetsMart. I put 2 of them into my 20 gallon artificially planted tank and 2 into my 10 gallon heavily planted tank. The 2 fish in the planted tank seem to be thriving while the other 2 seem to be getting thinner around the abdomen. I have offered zucinni in both tanks but I don't know if they are eating it. The Otocinclus in the 20 gallon have been eating the brown debris off the tank walls but I fear for their health. The question is, should I move at least one of them into the planted tank? Any suggestions or tips would be greatly appreciated!

20 gallon high ( up and running for 14 months)
temp: 78 degrees
Ph: 7.4
ammonia: 0ppm
nitrite: 0ppm
nitrate: 30 ppm

Inhabitants: 1 thick lipped gourami, 2 bronze corydoras, 2 Otocinclus, 6 harlequin rasboras, 6 black neon tetras and 2 ghost shrimp

10 gallon planted tank ( up and running for 3 months)
temp: 76
lighting: 2x15 watt compact flourescent @ 11 hours per day
Ph: 7.4
ammonia: 0ppm
nitrite: 0ppm
nitrate: 0ppm
ferts: Flourish x 4 days per week, Flourish Excel x 3 days per week, Flourish Nitrogen x 3 days per week, Flourish Potassium x 3 days per week and Flourish Phosphorus x 3 days per week( dosed seprately).

Plants: 1 green wendtii, 1 red wendtii, 6 java ferns, 10 dwarf sags, 6 anacharis, and some java, willow, and christmas moss.

Inhabitants: 6 brass tetras, 2 Otocinclus and 30+ red cherry shrimp.
I have 4 in a planted tank and they spend all day cleaning the leaves of my amazon swords. I would be sure to have plenty of algae on the glass. keep the light on longer if you don't. another alternative would be to try algae wafers.
Planted tanks are the best for them. And if not enough algae, then you need to suppliment algae wafers. They don't eat too much more. Mine don't go on my zucchini, but when I drop algae wafers in the tank, sometiles I'll see 3-4 of the 6 otos on the same algae wafer.
Otos can be kept happy and healthy in a non planted tank. They love the diatom algae which you see as brown. When that disappears feeding algae wafers or spirulina flakes will be relished.
in my experience, otos are really sensitive to changes and stress. this is just based on what i have observed in my tanks.

they are among the first fish i have that get sick or die off if something isn't right.

can you move a single live plant to the 20 gal and see if it helps?
i've kept ottos in my fake-plant tank for some time now. as stated, make sure they have enough food, and maybe even consider getting the two in the 20 a couple more buddies. mine seemed to thrive after i added four more to the original three. hth.
Otos just do better in planted tanks because there is usually more algae. If you keep them in unplanted tanks, be sure to throw in an algae wafer every night. Even in my planted tanks, I put in algae wafers for them. Keeps them full and healthy!
Sometimes they just are not that strong coming from the store. I bought 5 for my 55 gallon and all of them are doing great but it is rather a heavily planted tank. It seems that they clean all the plants constantly seldom stopping to take a break.
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