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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 8, 2011
How do you tell when a Mickey mouse platy is about to give birth?
Will guppies and mollies eat the platys babys?
How many will she have?
What do you feed fry?
Thanks :)
It can be hard to tell. Some platies (and other LB) will get a squarish looking abdomen, others won't.


No way to know. Generally the larger and more mature the fish, the more fry or eggs.

You can finely crush flake, feed fry bites, etc. Live bearers have pretty large fry.
They will eat the babies so I would get a breeder net.thy can have 10 all the way up to 100 babies.when they are close to birth they will look almost square in the stomach. The babies need to eat a food called first bites. You can get that food at Petco or petsmart or petland
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