Recommend a Pleco…

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jan 16, 2011
I’m looking for a small pleco (6”-8”). I don’t like the look of bristlenose plecos. Please let me know what my other options are, keeping in mind one request: as commonly available as possible.

Rubberlip Pleco

Also sold as Bulldog Pleco

Although it won't reach quite the size you are looking for. More likely 4-5 inches.

HN1, your signature is hilarious :)
You should be able to search by min-max size. That was really the main reason I linked that. Plus it's a wonderful bookmark for any pleco interested person. The commonly found, easy to attain, non-tank busters are pretty standard fare. BNs (of various colors and finnage), other ancistrus (a bit pricey and spotty availability), and rubber noses.
I think Clown Plecos are great fish. Mine is 4 inches and seems to have stopped growing. Very active when it wants to be, but hides the rest of the time.
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