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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 6, 2006
Hi everyone. Somewhat new to the boards, and very pleased so far with all the information I have found.
My 25 gallon tall has been set up for a little over a month now and has:
-common pleco (~1in)
-fantail goldfish (~2.5 in)
-shubunkin goldfish (~2.5 in)
-silver tipped shark that im housing temporarily (~3 in)

All the chemicals seem to be in order now, 0 nitrites, ~20 nitrates, etc.

I wanted to add a few more smaller fish, but I am still a little uncertain about over crowding the tank. I was considering adding a few tiger barbs to the tank. What do you all think, or recommend that I add? I am up for any suggestions Below are two pics of the tank, they are kind of blurry unfortunately, but you get the idea.


I've never kept goldfish but from what I've heard, goldfish can only be kept with goldfish. I don't think you should put ANY barbs in there because 1.) they would not get along with the goldfish. 2.) your goldfish will soon outgrow the tank leaving no room for the barbs. I hope this helps. If I am wrong someone please tell me! I don't want to give out wrong info!

Maybe you could get another goldish? like the smaller ones.
Welcome to AA! Goldfish are cold water species and should be kept with only cold water species. It is true the goldies will get too big for the tank soon and youu will have to get MTS and get more tanks. LOL.
If you like the goldfish, I would take one back to the LFS (preferably the shubunkin. The fantail would do better with the tall tank) and keep the other. Like already said, 2 will be too much for your tank. Then, if you want to add smaller fish, get a school of White Cloud Minnows. They prefer cooler water, like the goldfish, and have nice color.
ya shubunkins get big i had some in my pond and they got big within 2 years about ptoly 6 ,7 inches and feeder goldfish we started with are now that big and 1 maybe 8 inches so be prepared
In a tank that samll the barbs will fin nipp the fan tail and othewr fish liek crazy, plus the goldfish prefer really cold water and the barbs would proly die under those conditions shortly
What about the fact that the common pleco is going to outgrow that tank by A LOT?
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