Red Belly X-Ray Tetras, Long Fin Minor Tetras, and Hope

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 23, 2016
This will be my third non-introductory thread created. I hope I get more replies on this than the other ones hence the hope in the title.
I am working (slowly) at setting up a 10g tank. The original plan was a betta, maybe some african dwarf frogs, and maybe some snails. I keep seeing things about bettas and ADFs not getting along at all and it's making me nervous so I was considering other stocking options.
I saw these two species of tetra at Petsmart's site while trying to figure out the name of something I'd seen before that I knew they listed but I couldn't find them on AqAdvisor so I was wondering if anyone has any info on them.
AqAdviser does have x-ray tetras, but I wasn't sure if they were the same as the red belly ones or not. (Petsmart Link)
They have lots of different tetras but nothing called long fin, minor, or long fin minor and the scientific name on the Petsmart site (Hyphessobrycon callistus) isn't there either. (Petsmart Link)
Also, how do people find a good arrangement of fish that stick mostly to the top, the middle, or the bottom. All the fish I like keep seeming to be middle.
That smiley there is my hopeful, tentatively cheery face
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