Red Cherry Shrimp dropping eggs

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 26, 2013
Witnessed this today...

Sad that she decided to drop her eggs.
First guess would be too much stress. :(

Any other possible reasons?
Oh, sorry my delay. I didn't remember to have received a notification of replies. :) My mistake.

Have you checked your water quality?

That is sad. Is she a young mom or have you had any babies before?

The water quality was good, I think, except for the hard water:
pH around 7.5
nitrites 0
nitrates < 20
(don't have a test for ammonia :()
kH around 15dKH

Unfortunately, this kH is what I get from the tap, I don't know yet how to reduce it, and actually I haven't found a good reason to do so.
Do you think it could be the reason for dropping eggs?

I ignored this possibility because those shrimp have arrived home just 5 days before that issue. So, I immediately thought they were just stressed. They are also living in a community tank with fishes, and they were a bit scared during the first days. Now they are fine :) They somehow learned that those fishes are harmless to them.

So, answering your question, since they are new here, I don't know if she have had babies before.

Today I found another shrimp holding tiny eggs, but they were green, not yellow as those dropped ones. I need to research what are the stages of the eggs, to know better why different colors...
One of my RCS did the exact same thing a few days ago! i currently only have 5 in that one tank, and only one of them is a male. So in my case, i just assumed that the male wasn't there to fertilize the eggs in time. But thats just in my case.
One of my RCS did the exact same thing a few days ago! i currently only have 5 in that one tank, and only one of them is a male. So in my case, i just assumed that the male wasn't there to fertilize the eggs in time. But thats just in my case.

What I have read somewhere is that if there are eggs, so the female was fertilized. So, no males would mean no eggs at all.
But that's just what I have read, and I have only 10 days of experience with shrimps...:facepalm:
What I have read somewhere is that if there are eggs, so the female was fertilized. So, no males would mean no eggs at all.
But that's just what I have read, and I have only 10 days of experience with shrimps...:facepalm:

Well, im relitavely new to RCS as well. I have more experience with Ghost shrimp and they have never once dropped their eggs like this before

My Cherries are pretty small and young, and i have read that young females sometimes reject their early batches of eggs. So that could be it too

In either case, lets both of us hope not to see this happen again!
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