Red eye tetras

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Feb 5, 2013
Just bought 5 red eye tetras and heard they can be a bit nippy. Anyone have problems keeping them with other community fish.
I had some a LONG time ago but they seemed fine to me, the nipping shouldn't be too intense and should stay in the school. Get at least 5
Do you remember if they got big? They say about 3 inches in the wild but may be smaller in aquariums
I had some last year. They got to about 2 inches before I rehomed them. They didn't bother my other fish. I had platies and swordtails at the time.
Also three inches might be a bit big. My largest is probably about 2.5. They seem to Max out a different sizes though but all my others are smaller some just a bit others have barely hit 2 inches. Seriously cool fish, very Hardy too:)
It's been almost two weeks and all they do is fight with each other. I don't know if adding more will make it any better and I might just bring them back.
It's been almost two weeks and all they do is fight with each other. I don't know if adding more will make it any better and I might just bring them back.

I bought my tank with 2 adults and added 8 young ones at first they were fine then, I lost3 babies and the 2 adults started really picking on the younger ones. I rehomed them to someone with a 120g and 3 other lampeyes
Mine are in a group of 6 and they get along GREAT with all of my mollies, platys, guppies, plecos, and angels!!
I've had 2 for about 3 years. Only thing I saw happen (generally skiddish and timid) was my south american puffer was all excited when I dropped in some ghost shrimp. One of the tetras started eyeing the same one. The puffer nipped him. No marks or chunks out--without hesitation the tetra started biting the puffer and then sped off. Then the puffer had his meal on the shrimp. Whole thing was hilarious because neither are ever aggressive.
Just bought 3 Corys and they seem to be somewhat getting long with the red eyes. both species will chase each other occasionally but nothing nippy. Btw I love my new Corys, they crack me up!
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