Red Flame Scallops Damaged in Shipping

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Apr 30, 2004
Central Pennsylvania
An package arrived today with corals and 4 Red Flame Scallops. The package, a guest of the US Post Office was severely damaged and was leaking water.

I have managed to salvage all but one coral, but have a question about Flame Scallops, since I have on prior experience with them.

They were in bags that had leaked all but 10% of their water. One of the four is closed, 3 are open (wiiiiiiide open) about 1 to 2 inches.

The internal parts of the open ones are waving in the current, and one just expelled a long stringy thing.

This can't be good, can it?


The closed one may yet show some life, not sure. By the looks of the other ones they are not in good condition. The mantles have already let go of the shell and receded. Keep a close eye on them, they will go fast if they're going to but I think it's already a lost cause.


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