Red Platy still sick (pics)

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Menagerie said:
Wow, nsx!! Looks like things are finally going well for you! What are you going to do with all the fry?

I decided I'm gonna let them grow up, and when they reach adulthood, give them away to my friends who keep fish. Seems most people aren't willing to put in the effort to do what it takes to raise fry from birth, and if not properly cared for, they die within a couple weeks it seems.

My regimen for the fry tank is a daily 50% water change and vac (no substrate makes this easier), feeding frozen baby Brine Shrimp 3-4 times a day, supplemented once a day by TetraMin Baby (crushed flakes), and once a week by finely crushed Spirulina flakes. Twice a week, the filter sponge (that keeps the fry from getting sucked in) and plants also need to be cleaned. Hard work, but really cool to watch your fry grow! :D

The Cories who are still in the nursery tank have had all their fins grow back, and the barbels are slowly growing back also. I'm keeping them in the nursery for now, since they make a good cleanup crew for the frequent feedings that fry require.
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