Redoing my 29 gal.

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Jul 2, 2012
Im redoing my 29 gal. It is going to be planted with gravel. I want to put some mew fish in it that grow fairly big and fast. I also want the ph to stay at 7. any suggestions on what to stock it with just let me.know! Trying to stay away from the easy beginner stuff.
I would use sand for the plants, and provide root tabs and liquid ferts,
I would put a ram, neon tetras, some large catfish like a Raphael
I was thinking of maybe going with a black gravel and a big piece of drift wood and alot of plants. But where do you find drift wood?
You can do a raphael catfish like previously stated but they get quite large. I have one currently in my 29 but he has earned his spot in my 75 gallon because I can no longer keep him in my 29. You can get a raphael catfish, they meet all your requests, but they grow too fast and too large to keep him prolonged In a twenty nine gallon. Ram cichlids are great fish but they're extremely picky about nitrates I have found. I have a pair in my 29 and I love them, they don't bother anyone and eat like crazy. They stay small and will do well in a 29 gallon. Another option would be a pair of pearl gouramis. I also have a pair of these in my 29 and they are the showpiece of my tank. Pearls grow at a nice rate but I would not call them fast growers. They are extremely hardy and can take most everything thrown at them. They are great fish and I highly recommend them. You can also do some African leaf fish, they look cool an dont get too big for a 29 and make great fish. Another great fish would be a paradise gourami, again I have one of these in my 29 and he is awesome. They have amazing color and an even better personality. They get kinda big but can succseflly live in a 29 with the previously stated fish. The only complaint about the paradise, is around breeding time they are territorial and aggressive, I keep mine solo and I recommend you do the same. These are some good fish that would do great in a 29. Hope I helped!
Also if you're doing black gravel, the pearls and ram cichlids will look stunning over it.
I think blue rams would look good. How big do they get? And should I put them by themselves or with other species? And how many could I have together
I would totally ditch the pearl gouramis, really, they need at least a 30 gallon and two would be crazy
Also, paradise gouramis are very territorial and will likely harass your other fish
A Raphael is ok in a 29
If you want a ram, I would start with a Bolivian, they are like blues, but much hardier, and yea, you can keep two rams together as long as one is male and the other female, or two females, no two males, they will fishy, and also add some plants and hiding areas
I would totally ditch the pearl gouramis, really, they need at least a 30 gallon and two would be crazy
Also, paradise gouramis are very territorial and will likely harass your other fish
A Raphael is ok in a 29
If you want a ram, I would start with a Bolivian, they are like blues, but much hardier, and yea, you can keep two rams together as long as one is male and the other female, or two females, no two males, they will fishy, and also add some plants and hiding areas

Pearl Gouramis IMO would be fine in a 29g. They aren't too active and don't get a lot bigger than 6"
No, no pearls in a 29, especially 2

Um just checked on the Internet to make sure I wasn't getting confused, and at the last 6 sites I looked at, each said it was okay for them to be in a 30g? This tank is only a gallon off and I'm sure they would be fine
Ok, goldfish loach boy, you really need to begin to question where you get your info. You say he can put a raphael catfish in a 29 gallon and then you turn around and say a pair of pearl gouramis can't?!?!?! I have (and AM) keeping both of these fish and they are doin ok. My pearls are quite content in my 29 and my raphael is also content in my 75 tank. So Chris I advise you do what you want of course but pearl gouramis will be perfectly fine in a 29 gallon. And I'm strongly suggesting you do not get a raphael catfish unless you plan on either rehoming him or moving him to a bigger tank. Also goldfish loach boy, I will give you credit here, Bolivian cichlids are good starter dwarf cichlids, since rams are quite sensitive. Now about the paradise gouramis, it's kinda a gamble. I have had a few over the years and their personalities vary grealy. One of mine was aggressive and highly territorial, infact I ended up moving him to my 75 because he was getting to the point where none of my fish would eat. But my new one is peaceful and happily schools with my other gouramis. Buy them at your own risk and reminber when purchasing one that they vary in personalities. So, Chris I hope I helped and goldfish loach boy I suggest you reevaluate your Info.
And goldfish loach boy, ONE gallon?!?!? Are you kidding me? I mean I understand a five gallon difference but a one gallon difference will not make a difference with the pearl gouramis.
I would totally ditch the pearl gouramis, really, they need at least a 30 gallon and two would be crazy
Also, paradise gouramis are very territorial and will likely harass your other fish
A Raphael is ok in a 29
If you want a ram, I would start with a Bolivian, they are like blues, but much hardier, and yea, you can keep two rams together as long as one is male and the other female, or two females, no two males, they will fishy, and also add some plants and hiding areas

No no no! A Rapheal Cat can get up to 7 inches!
My local fish store had some guy bring in a foot long striped raphael cat. It was beautiful but huge
Thanks a bunch guys. Im still deciding. Ill let you alk know what I decide to do!
Just a thought about substrate, you might consider doing Eco complete for a planted tank. You can get it in black, and it's a great substrate for plants. My crypts did ok in gravel with root tabs before, but now with Eco complete and root tabs I have a crypt jungle. And I'm just running a low light low tech tank!! So same look as gravel but added plant benefits.

I don't have a ton of stock suggestions, but you might look into Peacock Gudgeons. They're interesting behaviorally and very colorful. I'm planning on switching my own 29g stock over to a couple schools of dwarf rainbow fish. Specifically Threadfin Rainbows and hopefully Gertrude's Blue Eyes. You may also consider some of the Apistogramma dwarf cichlids, especially if you have softer water. There's some really awesome color morphs out there and they're a larger size but still fit in a 29g.

Anyway, hope that I helped a little!
Ok guys, STOP attacking me!

And I wanted a pearl gourami for my 29 gallon myself, and a lot of people told me that 30 gallons is the minimum, so my info source is AA

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