Removing The Bio Wheels From Emperor

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Rocco Sieffridi

Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 8, 2008
Anyone else do this? I cannot close the lid on emperor due to where the switch on the light is. Therefore, I have to remove the bio wheels to do this. Are they that important that I shoud keep them no matter how bad the cosmetic look is?
They are not super important - but convienent if you use the biowheel from an established tank to seed a new tank (swapping biowheels amongst tanks).

I go without when using penguins or emperors because I have planted tanks and want less "splashing".
Really the benefit from the biowheels is pretty small. Apparently they'd have to be much larger to have the advertised benefit. I've removed them before and had absolutely no problems with Ammonia or Nitrite levels.
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