Rethinking Original Plans - Eel and Puffer

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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 26, 2012
Palm Springs, CA
My son loves puffers and eels when we go to the LFS. I've been saying no to his requests to get them because they would not go with what I had wanted. With the loss of my Eibli Angel and Bicolor Foxface, I am now considering going with a Toby Puffer, Snowflake Eel, some kind of Foxface and a Blue Jaw Trigger. Would that combo work? I've got a 75g FOWLR with two Green Chromis left. I plan to get at least a 120g sometime next year and will likely wait to add the trigger (considering a pair).
Thinking of adding a Harlequin Tusk and a Tang (not sure which yet) and maybe an Angel with the larger tank.

I'm concerned with the Toby Puffer and Eel. Never attempted either of these before.

Do these puffers release the toxins when stressed or die? If so, does it automatically wipe out the tank, or can you do water changes to dilute?

Are snowflake eels fairly easy to care for?
Snowflakes are easy... Just make sure he cant get out the top
Puffers do not release toxins into the water. The poison is inside their body that kills the fish that tries to eat them. Also not all puffers are definitely pousonous when eaten. We just assume they all contain venom since there is not enough info.
Yeah, I've been wanting a Harlequin Tusk, just can't come to spending $200 on one yet. There are two, but the one from Australia looks so much more amazing, unfortunately beauty comes with a price! Lol
For some reason I thought it was puffers and boxfish that did the toxins. These will be new to me, so I am excited about adding a new fish to the list I've had over the years.

Good to hear that the snowflake will be easy. Again, never had an eel, so this will be a new experience. Just gotta seal the top better when I get him.

The Tusk will be way down the road, but I am excited about getting one again. I had an ex with a 300g tank that had an Australian one. Super cool fish. I might get the econo version unless I can find a good deal.

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