Rinse substrate?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jul 10, 2004
What the prefered methood to rinse substate?

I got a 50 # bag of pool filter sand to mix in with my Eco Complete and would like to find out how everyone rinses such subtrate.

I put it in a large rubbermaid type tub or large bucket, run a hose into it and as the water overflows I stir and stir and stir and let the lightweight dusty particles overflow over the edge of the bucket. Do this until the water runs clear. Drain as much water out as you can and put it in the tank. It will still cloud the water initially, though, but it should clear in an hour or two.
and no need to rinse the eco...just the sand.
make sure you use at least 50% eco complete in your substrate mix...otherwise its a waste of money because it gets 'diluted' and won't be able to provide the nutrient holding benefits that make eco such a great substrate.
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