RIVERCATS 220G Transformation Journal

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Rivercats, whats the ground cover in front of the driftwood. At the bottom of the pic. Also, how is you DBT doing? I ripped mine out of the big tank and but it in the fry tank. Was making the tank a mess

The HC, Dwarf baby tears is slowly coming along, it grows nicely and new growth is coming in so lush and green BUT I am still having to replant small areas each day due to my yo-yo loaches nudging pieces up. It will eventually cover but I just have to be more persistant than them. Where they are leaving it alone it's doing good. So the battle of wills is on! I originally tried the HC on rocks like you have now but the loaches won that battle. That's why I went with planting it this time.

If your talking about that little patch of stringy green planted right against the DW, that is the tiny patch of Dwarf 4 Leaf Clover I planted. It's growing some and new growth is immersed BUT, here we go with a but again.... I'm not sure over all how it's going to do. I've been researching and from what little I could find it seems that is a plant that likes nitrates. And I run a low nitrate- high phosphate tank soooo just not sure in the long run if it will work or not.

The regular baby tears, Hemianthus micranthemoides is going to do really good it looks like and is going to be a good forground or right behind foreground fill in plant.

The other plants are changing from their immersed growth but color looks like it's going to be really good. Some plants are growing alot slower than others but that is normal. Overall I think it's going to be good.

The Hydrotriche hottoniiflora has a very interesting look about it. It's growing fast and am hoping by next week that it's tall enough to get a good picture of the leaf growth. It would make a nice specimen if planted in a highly visable spot due to how the leaves look. They remind me of pine needles and stick almost straight out horizontally.

Now if I can just figure out what to do with the area where the Corkscrew val is still at. Decisions, decisions!
The HC, Dwarf baby tears is slowly coming along, it grows nicely and new growth is coming in so lush and green BUT I am still having to replant small areas each day due to my yo-yo loaches nudging pieces up. It will eventually cover but I just have to be more persistant than them. Where they are leaving it alone it's doing good. So the battle of wills is on! I originally tried the HC on rocks like you have now but the loaches won that battle. That's why I went with planting it this time.

If your talking about that little patch of stringy green planted right against the DW, that is the tiny patch of Dwarf 4 Leaf Clover I planted. It's growing some and new growth is immersed BUT, here we go with a but again.... I'm not sure over all how it's going to do. I've been researching and from what little I could find it seems that is a plant that likes nitrates. And I run a low nitrate- high phosphate tank soooo just not sure in the long run if it will work or not.

The regular baby tears, Hemianthus micranthemoides is going to do really good it looks like and is going to be a good forground or right behind foreground fill in plant.

The other plants are changing from their immersed growth but color looks like it's going to be really good. Some plants are growing alot slower than others but that is normal. Overall I think it's going to be good.

The Hydrotriche hottoniiflora has a very interesting look about it. It's growing fast and am hoping by next week that it's tall enough to get a good picture of the leaf growth. It would make a nice specimen if planted in a highly visable spot due to how the leaves look. They remind me of pine needles and stick almost straight out horizontally.

Now if I can just figure out what to do with the area where the Corkscrew val is still at. Decisions, decisions!

It the one that has longer leaves that are curled along the edges.
The one growing on the DW is Fissidens Fontanus. That is how new little patches grow before they start creeping.
Had a pleasant surprize tonight. I was doing plant inspections on the new plants after the weekly WC and noticed the Stargrass I put in a couple weeks ago is starting to bloom. Looks like there are going to be tiny white flowers openning soon. Will try to get pic's but don't know since it's still short and further back. We'll see what I can do over the few days.
Wow. You have a beautiful tank. It's inspiring. I'm just starting but I hope that I can have some success with my new tank. Just started cycling a 29g. I ordered my lights and hope to order some plants next week
Thanks and good luck! If you have any questions let me know or start a thread as there are many members that can help... and welcome to AA!
Havent checked up on this in a while! Congrats on the stargrass, I am excited to see my anubias bloom since I have never had my plants flower before, you must get a lot of flowers though with your expertise and care in your tank :)
I've had the Cabomba Furcata bloom. Now the Stargrass is starting and both of my Anubia Nana's have 2 or 3 flowers each so I'm pretty happy.
I am hoping the Stargrass gets taller as it's in med tank and low so I can't get pic's showing the couple little white flowers. They are tiny. Am hoping it blooms for a bit. Otherwise am waiting for plants to get taller for some new comparison pic's.
Nice!!! Now you have to take more pictures!! ;-)

Got some pic's and just have to get them loaded and resized so should be up by tomorrow. It's been 2 weeks and 4 days since I did my last plantings and in the new pic's you can finally start seeing the different species of plants. Growth is moving along nicely.
My daughter never has loaded and resized my pic's and now I placed an order for the following plants as I did alittle more moving and removing of plants. I moved the good size Bolbitus on top of the rock structure with the Java Fern Wendilov to add height and to open up even more room in the front center and I removed the rest of the Corkscrew Vals.

I ordered the following:

Hygrophila Balsamica
Ludwigia Arcuata
Ludwigia Glandulosa
Ludwigia Inclinata var Verticillata

I'll get some new pic's when these plants get here and get planted.
Rivercats, What is this plant?? I really really want to get some but can't find it.

I circled it in yellow.
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