RO/DI Unit

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 7, 2011
Wherever there are fishes.
Hey all, starting a new 75 gallon build, converting my 29 gallon tank to a refugium, and going to try corals for the first time. For filling a tank this large, it seems impractical to do anything other than purchase a RO/DI system (though I am open to any cheaper solutions). Can anyone give input as to the quality of the "Aquarium Reef Reverse Osmosis Water 6 stage RO/DI 75GPD" system? Thank you in advance for the advice.
I would go with bulk reef supply's 5 stage unit. It has a pressure guage, tds meter and is an all around great unit for a good price!
I would go with bulk reef supply's 5 stage unit. It has a pressure guage, tds meter and is an all around great unit for a good price!

That's the unit I went with and am very satisfied. regardless of what you choose though you want to have the pressure gauge and TDS meter. This will ensure you are getting that high quality H2O ;)
Hey all, starting a new 75 gallon build, converting my 29 gallon tank to a refugium, and going to try corals for the first time. For filling a tank this large, it seems impractical to do anything other than purchase a RO/DI system (though I am open to any cheaper solutions). Can anyone give input as to the quality of the "Aquarium Reef Reverse Osmosis Water 6 stage RO/DI 75GPD" system? Thank you in advance for the advice.

Bulk reef supply sells great ro/di units. Contrary to belief Ro/di units are the cheaper solution. Only cheaper option in the long run is tap and thats a big no no. My unit paid for itself in 6 months vs going to the fish store every week or two for water. Plus you have the ability to always produce 0 TDS water.
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