RODI filter and phosphates...

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 22, 2012
If a TDS meter for an RODI filter reads "0" TDS coming out, is there ANY chance it did not completely strip the water of phosphates, ammo, etc? My tank is becoming an algae playground... I feed 2-3 times a week, run a skimmer, and purigen and polyfil in a HOB filter.
It's funny you mention this, as I was thinking the same thing about mine. My resin is still blue, so I'm guessing it's stripping everything out (and my TDS is 0 on the product water).

Here's my thread on the issue:

Like you, I feed 3x a week, and I don't go dumping in a whole cube of PE Mysis, I thaw it, and then drop in a couple for my clowns, one for the cleaner, one for the goby. I use a little (about 1mL) of the "shrimp juice" once a week as a treat for the coral.

The only thing I can think of for my tank is that in the beginning, I didn't have "reef" lights on the tank, so I'm wondering if I'm going through the ugly stage now since I have a more powerful set of lights running. Did you upgrade your lights anytime recently?
Thanks for the reply. I have had the same lights on the tank since I set it up a few months ago. TaoTronics 120 watt, dimmable blue/white, not the full spectrum.

I'm going to do a 50% PWC this weekend and will be trying different salt. Here's to hoping...
I doubt it's the salt mix. Measure your nitrates and phosphates in some freshly mixed water. That will tell you.
There are other issues in my tank that are also trying to be addressed which is why it was recommended to me by Mr. X that it could be the salt. This was just an isolated inquiry regarding the effectiveness of RODI filters...
Was using IO. As soon as I put corals I there I started using Red Sea Coral Pro, and since then they all started to slowly close...
Could it be coincidental, probably. But I need to rule everything out, as that is basically the last thing to rule out.
I'm using RedSea Coral Pro, and my corals are open, so I don't think it's the salt. I did make the switch from IO about 2 months ago, and I noticed the mix ratio had to be tweaked a little bit to get the right SG, as measured by my dog urine measuring device.
Also, with the Coral Pro, I noticed that if I mix for too long, the batch goes bad. I now keep a close eye on things, and after about an hour of mixing, turn on the heater to heat the water, then add it once it gets up to temp.
Google getting a bad batch of salt. It's actually not very uncommon.
And yes the water will go bad if you mix it for too long according to the manufacturer. It's recommended 45 mins so there is no precipitation...
Google getting a bad batch of salt. It's actually not very uncommon.

I think you just hear from the complainers more than the folks that don't have many bajillion tons of salt have they shipped...and there are only a couple hundred complaints.

That being said, RedSea is very responsive and will replace the bucket for you.

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If that's even the problem. I'm still in trouble shooting stage. I'm hoping it's a bad batch as it would answer a lot of questions for me.
Have you checked your other levels in the tank? Do you have an LFS that will do a soup-to-nuts test for you (copper, mag, alk, ca, along with the usual suspects)?
I was reading my old threads about my corals being mad after water changes and I realize that they only started being mad once I started using the Red Sea Coral pro salt so it's definitely suspect to me and worth a shot to change the salt out to a different kind... I think that was a run-on sentence sorry :)
Power change == large water change. I spread them out over a few days to get 100% changed out if needed.

I would definitely talk w/ RedSea about this:

I don't see a Facebook or Twitter account for them.
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