Rosy barbs and betta?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 16, 2016
I have 26 gal with betta and 6 neons that get along just fine! The only problem is, is that it's massive (for me) and we only have those fish in, so I want to add more! I've had the tank up for two weeks with a fairly big Java fern! I'm doing 25% water changes every 3-4 days so I was wondering if I could add rosy barbs? What I was going to do is get 3 bunches (of about 7-9 plants) of Amazon sword today, then in about 3-4 days time add fish! I know a place where rosy barbs are still about an inch and a half so I could get them there so it wouldn't be too stressful for the betta! Would they get along? Would I be able to add them that soon?
If they are cherries it should be fine, if it's a male betta they get stressed if to many different types of schooling fish are in the tank, bettas do get aggressive, if your betta is female they do get aggressive, with 6 cherries added to the tank on aqadvisor.Com you're not overstocked , I didn't have the filter you use, also didn't know if it was a bow front or a flat back hex , if they are Rosie's no you can't do it


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With Amazon swords you have to get root tabs, liquid ferts and make sure you have an adequate light, this goes for plants in general you have to see what lighting you have and select the plants by that factor, low light med or high, what type light? Anubias, ferns will grow in anything swords are kinda finicky, you can grow them in gravel but it's better to grow root feeding plants like swords in sand /aquarium soil, I'm not an expert or even close to knowing the best substrate to grow plants in, someone else might be able to help you with that better , Java ferns shouldn't be planted in the substrate their roots should be exposed to the water column same with Anubias, they will grow planted in the gravel they just do better if they're not.
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