Rummy nose not so rummy...

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 24, 2006
I just bought some rummy nose tertras and when I got them home I saw that none of them have the nice bright red noses that many of them in the lfs aquarium had.

I am wondering if this means anything? Are they a different sex? Unhealthy? young? Will they develop red noses someday? :(
If you just got them and added them to your tank, they may simply be a bit stressed out. If this is the case they should 'color up' once they settle in a bit more. :)
I agree. They do lose their red when they are stressed. Give them time to settle in, and the red will come back. And if the conditions in the tank are really good, will be even a deeper red than they were at the lfs. :)
I agree as well give them a few days to settle in. They may not eat for a few days either dont worry it is normal.
you must really trust your lfs to not qt new fish, just my opinion
I don't QT every new arrival either. When we are able to setup the QT, we will. But sometimes it's just not possible since the filter has not cycled. But then again I really trust the lfs and the employees. And why shouldn't I, we supply some of their Africans from our grow out tank.
exodus said:
checkvalve said:
you must really trust your lfs to not qt new fish, just my opinion

Not everyone has that option.

Very true...
I never QT'd anything because I never had a QT tank. Now that I have one, and using it for GBR eggs that were layed, still don't have one and will have to add fish directly to the tank. It may be taking some risk, but if the person is experienced, they shold be able to handle anthing that may happen. Out of the many fish that I've bought, and acclimated, I've only had 2 times where I had ick due to not QT'ing. No other problems. And currently I'm housing over 100 fish. Now what is the limit on the number of pets you can have? LOL
Funny.. I had no idea that this was a condition of their mood. The Red came back almost immediately. Phew. I had my eye on these fish weeks before my tank was cycled and was disappointed when I saw how grey they were when I got them home. But now they are happily schooling around.. well except one of the 4 which sadly doesn't seem to be doing well. I also bought two kuhli loaches and one seems much worse off than the other. I love shopping for the fish.. but this bringing them home bit is more stressful than I anticipated.

I had no idea I was supposed to QT the new arrivals.... I only have one tank. But I did follow the acclimatization procedures recommended in my earlier post (thanks :) ) so hopefully that helps.
I had the same experience with my rummy's, they gave me the same scare. I put them in my tank at 7:30 pm, they were quite gray....and no red. The next morning some color was back. Second day they had much brighter red than at the LFS. I bought all they had ....3, and I plan on getting 3 or 4 more the next time they are in stock.
exodus said:
checkvalve said:
you must really trust your lfs to not qt new fish, just my opinion

Not everyone has that option.

True, though it depends on your tank. If you have a 20 gallon or less with no more than a few cheap fish in it, then spending money on a QT tank may not be worth it. On the other hand if you have a larger tank with lots of fish then you can set up a 10 gallon starter kit ~$50 which is well worth it. All I have is a 12 gallon tank with 2 swordtails in it so when I bought 3 ottos from petsmart, they went right in the tank. Luckily they are doing quite well.
I have 3 tanks...55g, 29g, and 10g. I have never had a QT tank. I have only had disease (ich) in my tank once from a new fish...nothing else. And all my fish aren't cheap.

My rummies did the same thing. They are prone to transport shock...more than most fish. That's why alot of the last only a day or so after you bring them home. I got 6 from a LFS once and they all died within the week. Most even looked great after a day...but they didn't make it. That's just rummies for ya. If you get anymore, just make sure you put them in a dark bag. Try not to move them around too much. That will help reduce the stress.

Their loss of color (or not as bold as usual) can also be a sign of water quality. If you ever see them getting a little pale, check your water.
newfound77951 said:
you can set up a 10 gallon starter kit ~$50

The trick with this is NOT to turn it into another permanent tank...... :wink:

Haha! That is exactly what would happen... especially now that I have fry.

I hope the rummies remain ok- their colour came back within minutes so I took that as a good sign- hopefully not prematurely.
Some time my Rummy noses change colour when I do pwc. They don't go totally white, but the red noses become a "pinkish shade of pale" ...
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