SAE or False SAE??

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 15, 2004
new brunswick
I was at the pet store today on the quest for an algae eater. I was planning on a small pleco, like a bristle nose but they were all out with no idea when they would have more.

I settled on a Siamese Algae Eater. I've done some research on them and know I can meet their needs but forgot all about the False siamese algae eater. They fish labeled SAE were in a tank with other fish called the flying fox.

I didn't think anything of it as these fish were noticeably different. The ones being called flying fox were not hanging out on the bottom really, more hanging out in groups "up" more in the tank. They looked very similar, though were more "bright in color" I think. I honestly wasn't paying much attention to them and sort of kick myself now.

I got home and decided to refresh myself a bit more on their diets and now I don't know if I have actual SAE or if I have the false SAE.

The black strip ends at the tail, it doesn't continue on through it. I can't get a look at the I'm still acclimating it so can not get a solid look at the barbels.. I honestly don't see any right now. :blink: I know I must not have a good view and am just missing them. Because obviously there must be something.

So any guesses? I'm leaning to the false but I'm having a hard time wading through this info I'm finding. Is there any real differences I need to know in care?
it looks just like this one

Siamese Flying Fox

So is the false SAE the same as the siamese flying fox? I've seen the name thailand flying fox too and am not sure which is what I am looking for.
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Yea, that's why I hate common names. People tend to make something up, or make word stew, giving you things like Siamese Flying Fox or asian algae shark. The names have no real value when it comes to IDing because of this, and how similar the different fish look to one-another. I've seen at least 5 different fish sold under the moniker of "Siamese Algae Eater".

EDIT: Thanks Mumma. I had almost forgotten how ugly adult CAE are.
I have found this article very helpful in the past.
Identifying the Siamese Algae Eater
I agree with AC. The lack of the stripe in the tail rules out true SAE.

oh wow this is confusing. lol. It says the False one has that black stripe on it's head, mine does not. I guess after looking at the pic I posted I was a bit off as that one seems to have some darkening on the head I hadn't noticed. Mine is all silver from what I can see, minus the center strip.

I'm having a really hard time getting a look at mine though. It's been hiding since I put it in the tank and the few times it's come out it's moving like lighting. FAST little bugger. I guess I'll give it a day to settle and see if I can get a better look at it. I've read that stress can dull the color too so I may not be getting a proper idea of the coloring either. It very well could have a bit of striping on the tail that I haven't pegged because of it's speed. I've got pretty shoddy eye sight. I guess I wait and see and maybe I'll figure it out.
Yea, that's why I hate common names. People tend to make something up, or make word stew, giving you things like Siamese Flying Fox or asian algae shark. The names have no real value when it comes to IDing because of this, and how similar the different fish look to one-another. I've seen at least 5 different fish sold under the moniker of "Siamese Algae Eater".

EDIT: Thanks Mumma. I had almost forgotten how ugly adult CAE are.

I know! It's so frustrating. My local pet store is horrible though, they don't offer scientific names for half of the fish they have there and a good portion of the fish they have in tanks aren't properly labeled either. They had 3 tanks with plecos in them and they were all common plecos, they were labeled small, medium and large plecostomus.
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