salt fever...

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jun 16, 2006
Milwaukee, WI
so I'm good friend/mentor of fish keeping, has come down with "salt fever"...

The obsessed need to tear down a beautiful 180 gallon brackish tank that he's had for 4 years, and set it up as a saltwater tank.

We both have a freshwater/"brackish" tank, and a saltwater/reef tank, and when *I* was thinking about "converting" my big tank to salt, he talked me out of it...saying I hadn't even scratched the surface of freshwater fish.

Now he bought a fish for his salt tank, that he's unable to keep (for misc. salt reasons I won't go into in the FW/BW forums) and says "hey, I want to keep these kinds of fish, I'm gonna change over to salt!"

I think he's making a terrible mistake, and tried to talk him out of it, but he somehow feels that he is "upgrading" or "moving on" to an advanced area of fish keeping. That upset me as well. Saltwater requires more maintenance, due to the delicate nature of the livestock, and water params, but I hardly feel that it is superior to keeping FW fish...

He has kept some of his fish for 6 years, and he's just going to get rid of them out of impulse.

I also feel that it will be hard for me to keep interest in my freshwater tank without the shared interest of my fellow hobbyist.

I recommended that he get a new fish for the big tank, and spend more time with it (my 4 bar datnoid cured my salt fever), but I think he's already made up his mind, and he cannot be convinced otherwise...

Anyone else ever get, or know someone who contracted "salt fever"? Can anyone think of some way to change his mind?

I'm almost willing to just let him do it, and regret it later (hey, I could make out like a bandit on some of his equipment and fish). Just obnoxious that this was all brought on by an expensive fish he found for a good deal, that he was unable to keep.
not quite salt water, but getting rid of tropicals to replace with orientals or cichlids...
When I caught salt fever, I just went out and bought another aquarium. In hindsight, its a darn good thing too. I spent sooo much on my 20g reef. I don't even want to think about what my visa balance would be right now if I had switched out my 125g.
you and me 20g salt is almost twice as much as my 65g fresh...

On top of everything he's only had his 75g reef tank for a month!

I say trade that angel in and relax....if he still feels that way after another month, then go for it....
I guess I contacted salt fever too a few years ago, but only because I was getting a 29 gallon for free and wanted something different to try.

If he cannot be convinced, maybe you'll have an "I told you so" moment down the road.

What kind of fish did he buy?
French Angel, that eats like 30% of the corals he it's recommended for no less than a 100g, and he has a 75g.

He wants to set up a fish-only swimming tank for large fish like angels, butterflies, etc..

Guess he's gung ho on it, and is going ahead...

At least he'll be able to keep his large scats, that will actually thrive in the marine tank.

Oh well, I wish him the best... I just hope he doesn't get me down about my FW tank....

"You need to get a reef up here" etc... FTL :(

heh...oh well
I guess we all need a change once in a while. I would just hang around and learn from his mistakes. And if he gets on you for being a 'freshy' you can always tease him about how much he has spent. :wink:
If you go to salt, be prepared to go bankrupt...... :x

I miss my SW tank but the kid has to eat and you get arrested if you go streaking.....
lol! Now there's a reason to give him lol.

Seriously though, I would be pleased for him that he has found new inspiration for fishkeeping. If you're his friend you would support him right? And, learn along the way with him too! It's not a competition? :)
You can always see and learn from his teething mistakes, and then if you ever decide to go to SW setups you'll have less problems at first :)
Brackish can definitely be a gateway drug for a salt addition.

I got a 20 gallon salt setup in high school, and when I went off to college, I broke it down and later moved it up to college, where it stayed either a freshwater or brackish tank, depending on my mood when I set it up at each new apartment I got (I moved around a lot and wouldsell my fish back to lfs when I did). Then a few years ago I got a big bonus at work, got my first "big" tank, a 55, and was eager to set it up as a salt tank. Man it was frustrating. When I moved again, I sold the remaining fish back to the lfs, and reset it up as an African Cichlid tank. Now, 2 1/2 years on, I still have it set up as an African Cichlid tank. I finally settled down and bought a house this summer, and am happy to say that all the fish survived the trip. This African cichlid tank gives me more satisfaction than the salt tank ever did, and for a lot less work and expense. My prise, my frontosia that I bought as a little guy for $14, now I see fish not quite as big as him and not so perfect in marking and finnage selling for $60. I will be keeping it as an african tank, but have also expanded into south americans in a 100 gallon pond in my back yard. I'd like to set up another brackis with monos, puffer, scats, maybe some gobies, and one day might set up a little saltwater microreef, but I am never going to stop being a primarily freshwater aquarist again.

If your buddy wants to go into salt, I say to each his own. If he gets enough satisfaction from it to justify the effort and expense, more power to him - saltwater tanks can be beautiful and enjoyable. I think if you leave the hobby because your friend/mentor goes over to salt, your involvement in the hobby was just not meant to be. Plenty of people go it alone, besides, you have plenty of virtual friends here to talk to.Good luck in whatever path you choose.
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