Sand color recommendation

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 21, 2011
I have a bunch of sand colors to choose. I can only pick one because each package has about 50 pounds (which is enough to fill 2 of my tanks). I really like purple/plum, but I don't think it will look good in my tank. I also ordered a large tree stump for my tanks. So it would be purple sand and dark brownish tree trunk. I wont turn on my light because my fish does not like light and will hide under light.
Should i just get white sand because it will look the best with the tree stump?

I know people like to recreate a fish's natural habitat, but I would also like to try it without owning any plants except java moss. I know this is a personal preference, but could you guys give me some recommendation for sand? Also let me know your personal experience. I'm terrible at aquascaping :oops:

Here are my options (5 or 6 colors look good to me):

I would go with some of the brown hues. I prefer my aquariums to look fairly natural, so I like the brown/beige pigments. Black, tan, buff, and brown.
I agree brown would really cool and natural. I have used black, and white and of the two the black makes the fish's colors pop a whole lot more. Obviously without the light the blacks and browns will not show your tank as well.

So, IME it is best to slowly work in a routine to get your fish used to the light. At first they will hide like they are used to but after some time (may take months) they will start to get used to the light coming on and going off at certain points in the day. I would recommend making it as close the habitat they would have in the wild. (on at sunrise and off at sunset type of deal)
I bought a very inexpensive timer at Menard's and it works great.
You could try going with blue leds as well, I have them in my tank go on at night and the fish don't get scared of them, black looks great but it darkens your tank, specially if your not using lights, white might counterbalance that and glows really cool if you use the blue
I would say the sandy color or buff. Or since ur not gna have ur lights on u might want a color opposite of your fish so that there is a lot of contrast. You could also do greens or blues (like grass or water colors). I have had purple and then black/purple. Purple got old really quick for me for some reason. White looks dirty after a while.
Im thinking of doing sand myself...I want the cheapy sand...Filter sand or Playsand for this? how long would it take to settle? can I vaccum sand? does it keep any cleaner in the tank?
user404 said:
Im thinking of doing sand myself...I want the cheapy sand...Filter sand or Playsand for this? how long would it take to settle? can I vaccum sand? does it keep any cleaner in the tank?

Playsand has sharp edges. Filter sand is smoother.

Rinse well !!! The tank should be clear in a day or 2 or use Seachem Clarity.

You cannot vacuum like gravel!!
But you can put a piece of pantyhose over the end and clean detritus off the sand.

I use plants and Malaysian Trumpet Snails to aerate n clean my sand. My RCS/CRS shrimp help too.

Gravel is easier in some ways. But for my tanks I like the sand now.

I have Flourite black sand capped with Tahitian Moon Sand in my 10g

The day I put it in, did not rinse Flourite well enough, so I got "dust".
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But it all cleaned up

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