Saving eggs

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Aquarium Advice Freak
May 13, 2012
Does anyone have experience saving eggs from a community tank. I have a breeding pair of farlowella (twig catfish) and I keep getting eggs on the glass around the tank and now on a few java fern leaves. I have crudely covered the ones on the glass with cling film and put the leaves in a Tupperware container. I am just not confident this will work as the eggs might grow moldy before they hatch.

Please some advise? No one wrote back last time maybe because they didn't know what a farlowella is. They are badass and I want to get fry from them.






I have never had the pleasure of hatching eggs myself, but I believe if they are kept in a spot in the tank that has good flow to keep them oxygenated they should do well. Maybe an air stone underneath them to sto them mouldering?
Actually brilliant idea. I have read about them needing to be oxygenated and I know the male is supposed to fan them (I presume as part
Of this process) but he's been lazy and not guarding them well. A little airstone should stop the other fish getting in there a bit too. Like an air curtain perhaps.
Actually brilliant idea. I have read about them needing to be oxygenated and I know the male is supposed to fan them (I presume as part
Of this process) but he's been lazy and not guarding them well. A little airstone should stop the other fish getting in there a bit too. Like an air curtain perhaps.

Rofl. It's only brilliant if it works. I hope it does! :)
If you remove the eggs to raise them artificially, you need to tumble them. A typical "fish bowl" and an air stone is all you need I think. Methylene blue will also help prevent molding. Look up how to artificially hatch and raise fish. Should give you all the info you need :)
I left all the eggs in with an airstone nearby to aerate around the eggs. I also snipped off the two branches of java fern that had eggs and put them together all under loose-ish cling film. Will see if it works. Also today I covered the floor with baby tears and did a partial water change. It spurred other fish to spawn too which is cool and the shrimp to come out. I think if they do hatch at least it will give the fry somewhere to hide.


I left all the eggs in with an airstone nearby to aerate around the eggs. I also snipped off the two branches of java fern that had eggs and put them together all under loose-ish cling film. Will see if it works. Also today I covered the floor with baby tears and did a partial water change. It spurred other fish to spawn too which is cool and the shrimp to come out. I think if they do hatch at least it will give the fry somewhere to hide.

That is a beautiful aquarium!! No wonder they all want to spawn! Question though- wont the shrimp eat the eggs?
Cactuspixie said:
That is a beautiful aquarium!! No wonder they all want to spawn! Question though- wont the shrimp eat the eggs?

Thanks. It's starting to become epic. I just need more discus in there but $$$....

I've seen fry but the cherry barbs eat them. Not sure what fry they were but I'm considering removing the cherry barbs.

I jut have three ghost shrimp and I don't think they do. There's so much other stuff for them to eat closer to their level and they hide. I just put in a fertilizer substrate in the back for the deep rooting swords that is good for shrimp and since they have been hanging out there. It's the other end of the tank.
None of them hat hatched bit they lay eggs every few days it seems all over the tank now so I am just going to let nature take its course.

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