Scared shrimps

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Aug 16, 2012
Northwest UK
Scared shrimp.
Hello forum I'm new to this community but had aquariums for a while. I have just set up a new tank after a few years without and this time decided to keep shrimps.
My question is about the relationships between fish and shrimps in a community tank.
I cycled and slowly added fish over a few weeks with a few glowlights and a male betta. I added 2 amino and a bamboo shrimp. Everyone got on great with all the shrimps active and shedding shells so guess they are feeding enough but now I'm fully stocked with fish the shrimps hide all the time. I hardly ever see them even with the lights out. Are they scared of the fish? Apart from that all the fish are super happy and full of energy.
Any advice would be great.

130 ltr freshwater community tank.
Fluval 305 filter, fluval digital heater.
Ammonia 0
Nitrites 0
Nitrates 20
PH 6.5 ish
Mix of real and fake plants
Loads of rocks and some bog wood.
6 glowlights
7 cardinals
1 male betta
2 golden rams
2 fat belly mollys
1 male guppy
2 female guppys
1 bamboo shrimp
2 amino shrimps

Its a randome selection of fish but everyone gets on fine no squabbles or fin nipping.
Scared shrimp.
Hello forum I'm new to this community but had aquariums for a while. I have just set up a new tank after a few years without and this time decided to keep shrimps.
My question is about the relationships between fish and shrimps in a community tank.
I cycled and slowly added fish over a few weeks with a few glowlights and a male betta. I added 2 amino and a bamboo shrimp. Everyone got on great with all the shrimps active and shedding shells so guess they are feeding enough but now I'm fully stocked with fish the shrimps hide all the time. I hardly ever see them even with the lights out. Are they scared of the fish? Apart from that all the fish are super happy and full of energy.
Any advice would be great.

130 ltr freshwater community tank.
Fluval 305 filter, fluval digital heater.
Ammonia 0
Nitrites 0
Nitrates 20
PH 6.5 ish
Mix of real and fake plants
Loads of rocks and some bog wood.
6 glowlights
7 cardinals
1 male betta
2 golden rams
2 fat belly mollys
1 male guppy
2 female guppys
1 bamboo shrimp
2 amino shrimps

Its a randome selection of fish but everyone gets on fine no squabbles or fin nipping.
The betta, rams, mollies, and guppies pose a threat to the amano shrimp. Also you only have 2. The more you have the more you see (plus they are pretty much clear) I had guppies and they TORTURED the shrimp and mystery snails....
I agree most of your fish are a threat to the shrimp its possible that they have already been eaten. I also suggest that you do pwcs more often nitrates of 20ppm is a little bit high IMHO.
Thank you for the advice, my nitrates are high because I do my water change today or Saturday depending on what I'm doing at the weekend and I took the sample on Thursday although I will up the % I think.
I did think about aggression but the rams guppies etc are very young ( although I understand attitudes change with age so will monitor that ) and the betta was in with glowlights and shrimps for 3 weeks before getting this lot and things were fine. In fact my betta goes against the norm from what I read, he loves surfing on the filter current and use it as a sort of tread mill!! I have made a quiet area for him to rest in and he uses that. The shrimps are alive, the amano run out for food and fight for it then run back and hide, the bamboo sits still and I can only just see his feelers moving. I would like to get more but worry about over stocking the tank, how close do you think I am to max? I will keep and eye on the new fish as they age and may set up a shrimp tank if it gets worse but I love those guys as they keep my tank nice and clean.
Thanks again.
Just seen the bamboo walking around. He's full of colour so I take that as a good thing. I have been reading a lot about rams and small shrimp like cherrys. Everyone says they would eat small shrimps but would they bother a big guy like the bamboo? He's a lot bigger than the golden rams but could still view them as a problem??
I think the bamboo would be ok. Watch the guppies though. They killed a mystery snail in my tank.
So much depends on the personality of the fish.

I have a Community Betta and he liked hanging out with my guppies, then go and rest. now days he just does whatever he feels like not too much hanging out with them now days.

I have a Bamboo Shrimp for over a year in the community tank with fairly peaceful fish, one Pearl Gourami not aggressive (rehomed an extremely agressive Pearl still didn't much notice the Amanos) and one sociable male Betta are more or less predators but haven't bothered the Amano Shrimp and they go all over the tank. It is fairly heavily planted now with rocks and driftwood - so many hiding places, no issues with the groups.

Bamboo shrimp hides and fans, in out of the way places.

I think you may well have problems, I haven't kept Rams though. Make lots of plants and hiding place to help, and/ or bigger tank could help too.
Thanks, the fish are peaceful and haven't seen any aggression so far. Betta, guppies and Mollys are fully grown and are fine. Only a slight food aggression from the male Molly but only towards the other one. The tank is full of hiding places.
This week I noticed some white spots on the tetras and not wanting to medicate with the shrimps in there I moved all the fish to another tank. The shrimps have been alone for a week now but still don't come out as often as I thought they would. I might just have lazy shrimps.
Still looking for advice on max stocking levels.
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