SeanMonster's 90g Reef

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Sorry you had to return the hammer. The tank does look nice though and it is great to see someone else who has packed a tank like mine.

Yeah, the Hammer was my first piece of coral. Made it kind of tough, but can't have it stinging everything. The tank is packed because I have zero restraint when I go to the lfs.
Added a Midas Blenny today. He found a home under my Pagoda Cup. Talk about personality!


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Hey Sean can you upload a pic of your tank when you started and one of it now? I love seeing the before and after pics :)
Hey Sean can you upload a pic of your tank when you started and one of it now? I love seeing the before and after pics :)


Here you go.


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Wow it has come a real long way! I must say I am jealous iv only got a 9 gal I want something as big as yours one day
Wow it has come a real long way! I must say I am jealous iv only got a 9 gal I want something as big as yours one day

Thanks Daryl. Yeah you made me go back and look through my pictures. Didn't realize how quickly some of the coral has grown. Or how much.
Lookin good!!! I'm always happy when a coral does good in people's tanks. But seeing the growth is so rewarding to me.

I agree. I have gotten into the habit of snapping a pic of coral when if first goes in so I track its growth.
New additions today. Coco Worm, Clam, and large Chromis.

Can also see my new Blue Zoo to the left of the Chromis.


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Good luck with the coco worm. Mine has continued to do really well.
How big is the clam? Looks like a couple inches?

Yea, I'd say a couple of inches. Hasn't fully opened yet, but I remember with my first clam, they need to "feel" the space that you put them. Never had a Coco Worm. The thing is pretty neat.
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