Selecting fish for different swimming levels.

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Oct 15, 2004
I've got a 29 gal with the fish listed below. From what I understand, my school of zebras will occupy the mid to upper part of my tank once other fish are added. I would like to get another school of 4-6 fish this weekend that would occupy a different swimming layer. This way they will "school" a little better, and they will not be fighting for the same swimming space.

Any suggestions?

FYI...I really like the dwarf guornamis and I plan on researching and picking up a pair in a month or so, so consider this when suggesting fish. Please tell me if you see any issues.

The zebras (danios, right?) may be a bit too zippy for a Dwarf Gourami. I tried having a dwarf gourami with mine and he stayed in the back corner so I had to take him back :| . Also, dwarf gouramis need to either be alone or in a group of three/more to keep aggression down.

For another school of fish, what about cories or loaches for the bottom area of your tank? The cories will go just about everywhere but they stick to the bottom for the most part.
Yeah, those zebra danios are zippy! However, the slower platties seem fine with them around. I'll do some reading on your tank suggestions. Thanks for the input.
I think platties, though slow, are still more "upfront" and gouramis tend to be shy. But you can research that, I could be wrong. I may have just had an uber shy dwarf gourami
I am very partial to corys. They have SO much personality, and they do school together well.
A shoal of 5 cherry barbs , 2 males & 3 females , would occupy the bottom half of your tank . If you have good water conditions , a group of 6 rummynose tetras would also look great since they tend to form tight schools . For the bottom , 3 sterbai cories , with their orangey pectorals would brighten the bottom of your tank .
I would say either
3 Yo Yo loaches
3 Corys

I'm partial to the loaches and they do exhibit a great deal of group behavior that is very entertaining
a school of glowlight tetras would do you, they have a stunning neon orange stripe that is awesome with a school
I would suggest either 5 cories or 5 loaches. Both can be fun to watch. Cherry barbs are good fish as well but they don't school well in my experience.
I'm with poppab02 on the yo-yo loaches for the bottom feeders. I have 3, and I love them. Of course, I have no experience with cories to compare to...:)

I found that a school (shoal?) of serpae tetras tended to stay in mid-water when I had them. Others may have had different experiences, but that was mine.

And as far as gouramis being shy, again, maybe that is normal, but it certainly has not been my experience! :) My blue gourami is by far the most outgoing fish in my tank. He comes up to the glass to greet me (beg for food) every time I walk in the room. I can have my nose right up to the glass and he will come right up to my nose and swim back and forth.

with guaramis ... you'll need to take note that they may be agressive. I have 3 gold guaramis and they harrass each other a lot. They don't seem to mess with my 2 platys or dwarf neon rainbow, but they do chase each other a lot. And mine tend to go all over the tank: front, back, top, bottom ... they really don't seem to hide much either.

I've got some yo-yo loaches and some other loaches (botia rostrata & angelicus) and they all seem to be quite active around the tank.
I'm not sure how'd they do with the danios, but a group of marble hatchetfish would be nice. They tend to stick to the very top of the tank the majority of the time.
I'm not sure how'd they do with the danios, but a group of marble hatchetfish would be nice. They tend to stick to the very top of the tank the majority of the time.

I'm not sure that's a good idea. My danios dart around quite a bit in the upper region. I think any hatchets in there would be spooked and constantly try to jump out.
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