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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 24, 2005
Wenatchee, WA
This is a continuation of my Bala shark. Just turned to the bad side. Need help bad...

His left eye looks to have a whitish-red puss over it, and it sticks out in kind of a point. Really looks bad. And does appear that he can't see out that eye. Any ideas? He won't sit still enough to get a real close look at him, just a few seconds at a time while he goes from one side of the tank to the other.
Got a little closer look. Looks like where it's pointy, it either burst or was accidently scratched through and whitish-red puss is coming out. Will he possibly lose that eye? It's too late tonight to get some tetracycline, will have to do that tomorrow during lunch.
Since the only filter cartriges I get have carbon in them, would it be ok if I ran no cartriges in my Emperor 280 bio-wheel, and just have the quick filter attachment on my aquaclear powerhead while meds are in the tank?
He might lose the eye but from what I've read, they can live quite successfully with one eye and even when they lose both eyes. You can run the filters without cartridges but you could also get some filter floss and use it while treating when you go out tomorrow. You can get 100% pure polyester filling for pillows from walmart, it is cheaper and the same stuff as floss. That is what I use in all my HOB's.
That's basically what the powerhead is doing with the attachment. It's like the hob with floss. And the hob is still using the bio-wheel. Another thing, the powerhead has a higher water flow as well.
hi again...

My lfs didn't have what I wanted for my bala, but they did have Maracyn-Two and said it was one of the better meds for popeye. Is it ok with my fire eels? I did put a half dose in today, hoping it will be ok. If it is, I'd like to put a little more in.
I am not familiar with maracyn two. Did it say anything about being careful with scaleless fish? I would guess that if the eels can tolerate salt they should be able to tolerate maracyn two. I'll check into it and see what I can find out for you.
Thanks... I did a google search myself on it and fire eels and didn't turn too much up. Will research a little more before bumping it up to full strength. The instructions say I have to do it for 5 days straight, even if the symptoms go away.

Also, an update. As of a result of what looked like a small puncture where puss was coming out, today looks like he might have lost his eye, looks like it had burst. But when things start looking a little better, will let you know if it's truely lost or not.
I also looked at the ingredients, and there's no copper anything in it, so that's a plus. I did remove the activated carbon, even though it said I didn't have to if it's over 7 days old. Will do another 25% water change tomorrow and dose again as per instructions.
hi again....

Day 3 of medicating. According to the instructions, got 2 more days to medicate. It says to medicate for 5 days. Swellings gone down considerably, but looks to have lost the eye. But then again, he seems to still see movement out of his left side. Will keep you posted as to how it's healing and how it looks.
you need to turn your heat back down (slowly) if you havent already done so.. it excellerates the infection.. sorry if this is too late to help..
Glad you got some good advice from the LFS.. Maracyn two is a good med. for pop eye.
If it doesnt wipe it out on its own a combo of Maracyn and Maracyn two together usually gets it.. Im not a big fan of antibiotics.. wich is what these meds are but when you have an injury they become nesissary sometimes.. good luck with the bala Lonewolfblue. That eye just might make it yet.
I'm hoping it does, but looks to have a puncture where the puss was coming out before I started medicating. The eye is looking better, but looks like it has a hole in the middle of the eye. Maybe it will heal over fine. Don't know exactly how well fish eyes heal, if at all. He seems to have some sight, definitely can tell movement with it. And when looking at him as close as I can, looks like he moves his eyeball around like the good eye. So maybe there might be hope. Time will tell. Will be doing just 1 more day of medicating, then will put the carbon back in to remove the medication.
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