Serpae Tetra with bad ich

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Sep 16, 2016
[/url][/IMG]My serpae tetra is covered in ich. We have 5 total tetra's and a few have one or two white spots but one has what looks like a severe case. From recommendation from Petco, we treated the tank with 6 doses of copper but that did not work, it's just been getting worse. I just treated the tank with Mardel Coppersafe in hopes that it will work. The tetra that has the worst case of ich has been resting on the rocks at the bottom of the tank. He is breathing, but seems to have no energy. Does anyone have any advice? Our heater is automatic so we cannot increase the temperature. The tank is 15 gallons.

Thanks in advance!!
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That's odd, I can just make out the spots I think. Silly question but you are not running carbon, Purigen or a uv unit during treatment?
Anything with malachite green should kill ick. Regardless of temperature.
Look at walmar for "parasite cure" (victoria green) or "quick cure" (formalin,malachite)
Unfortunately, that specific fish died yesterday after I posted this thread. I am very new to aquarium's so nothing is a silly question. The tank does have a carbon filter.
Unfortunately, that specific fish died yesterday after I posted this thread. I am very new to aquarium's so nothing is a silly question. The tank does have a carbon filter.

Assumed you removed the carbon filter during treatment? Most meds will direct to do so if needed but wasn't sure on the one you used.
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