Setting up 8g tank

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 15, 2011
I've just set up an 8g tank and currently has 6kg of live rock, live sand , heater , flow pump 4 turbo snails , 1 blue leg hermit crab and a red shrimp . I was wondering what coral I can put in as I eventually want 2 clown fish in . I also hear a lot about filters and skimmers and was wondering if I need one for such a small tank ! I'm new all info is helpful
What kind of light do you have right now? That will make more of a determination of coral than anything else. You may also want to get a bit more rock to help with filtration. Not much more, just a bit.

Also, how new is the tank? Have you cycled it yet? If not please read up on that before getting any coral or fish.
Thankyou I'll do that just looked it up I'll get the test kit at the weekend . And as for the live rock I don't actually think I could fit anymore in . What do you think about a filter or a skimmer ?
I filter could help to remove sediment in the tank and provide another place to grow the good bacteria, I don't think it is ever a bad idea to have a filter. I think with an 8g tank I would prob pass on the skimmer though. You will probably be better off just doing 10% or so water changes once a week instead.
Yes. 10 to 15% weekly should be good. Some go every 2 weeks so you could probably do that as well I just tend to over do things.
I would personally go every week in a tank that small too. An algae outbreak would suck and with two clowns i think the weekly will be needed to prevent this.
Do I need to have a bucket of water constantly mixing then ? To change all the time ?
I think most do it only 24 hours before to make sure it is the right temp and mixed. They just leave a power head or something in the storage container.
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