Shattered heater

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 7, 2011
My heater shattered in my tank today, as I was adding new water while my fish was in the tank. Should I do anything other than clean the whole tank?
That'll be your best bet, hopefully you have somewhere safe you can put your fishes.
The only other alternative is to do a 90% water change after you've removed/cleaned decorations, etc, then fill back up.
Just a tip to prevent this from happening again:
Get a power strip that has a on/off toggle switch and plug in the heater and filter(a) into it. Prior to a water change, just flip the switch off and back on when you're done. Makes it easier and probably safer (than plugging and unplugging cords with potentially wet hands).
Also, using a non-glass heater might be helpful as well.
I would get a titanium heater. Their supposed to be unbreakable
I bought a tetra heater, which is what I have in my other tank. Also, I always unplug them before a water change. I think it was probably a combination of turning up the temperature too quickly and it being an old heater.
And I wish I could leave it plugged in, but I have an external filter and can't get the power box detached, so I have to unplug it take it to the sink to clean it
Just a tip to prevent this from happening again:
Get a power strip that has a on/off toggle switch and plug in the heater and filter(a) into it. Prior to a water change, just flip the switch off and back on when you're done. Makes it easier and probably safer (than plugging and unplugging cords with potentially wet hands).
Also, using a non-glass heater might be helpful as well.

Great idea...I'm going to go find an extra power strip right now!
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