Shocking Experience

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Nov 1, 2006
So, I got my friend into the world of aquaria. He put a 40 gallon tank into his office. Everything is going well so far, but I noticed something unusual. I have keys to his office, so I went into to put some Java Moss in his tank. Every time I put my hands into the water, I got a shock. It's a very low current shock. It's like get flicked very lightly. The only thing that is submerged in the water is the heater. I assume that's what is causing it, and I told him to get a new one. The fish seem to be doing fine though. He doesn't have time to get a heater right away, probably until this weekend. Is there any harm in this?

It could have been just me, but I got shocked over ten times. I would think I would have discharged any charge in me after a couple times.
Yeah, it didn't bother me and it didn't seem to bother the fish. Perhaps I'm a glutton for punishment.
Definitely get a new heater ASAP. And make sure your friend doesn't put his hand back in the water without FIRST unplugging the heater. The other problem I see is getting matched temps when you switch out the heaters. The degrees on the heaters rarely match up with the actual temp they try to reach. I would tell him to closely monitor the temp when he switches them out to make sure it doesn't get too hot/cold.
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