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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 23, 2018
Hey everyone. I would like to ask a few questions but before I do, I should go through the history of the tank.

2 years ago I bought a beta 40l nano tank (mistake no1)

I had quartz black gravel an air bubble thing that was also a strip of blue lights, and also real plants.

The plants turned out to be submerged house plants but more on that later!

After 2 weeks of maturing the tank I added 3 zebra danios. I then waited a further 6 weeks and added 3 leopard danios.

I then moved out of my mothers house and in with my then Mrs.

The plants died so my mother bought new ones. The tank then got infested with snails as she didn't take out of pot or wash them.

So I brought a killer snail, 3 albino Corie's and some cherry shrimp. I bought algae wafers, sinking pellets and bloodworms.

Not long afterwards, I left the British isle's and got a job in Cyprus.

I am now back and with parents again. I am hoping to move out (taking tank with me) and prob get another too.

But before that, I need to sort out the mess I've came to.

Whilst I was away. All but 2 albino Corie's died. This happened after 2 months of being away. No plants are in. Substrate is pebbles/thick gravel. Not good for the albino Corie's barbels and they can't move it about. Algae was all over tank. The filters never cleaned and water topped up only due to evaporation reasons... The air line was bent so not coming through, water level low so only trickling and lights not working often. Somehow 2 albino Corie's are alive!

So far I have took out a third of water, washed filter media etc out in that water (the bucket of water looked like old dirty dish water), sorted out the air line and partially fixed the lights (only half the LEDs work). I have also replaced the water and put a few drops of accu-clear in. As, if the pebbles are disturbed, Particles are everywhere..

After a day of doing what I can to start. The fish surprisingly seem happy.

Here are the questions:
1) should I remove all gravel and change to a mix of the big gravel and fine gravel (big for where I place plants an fine for the Corie's to play in.)
2) should I make changes now or when I move (could be a month could be 3)
3) the food I bought didn't get used and are now slightly out of date. Can I still use them. I am presuming yes as they have been sealed for 18 months
4) after I get it all fixed and clear of issues, would a beta splenden be OK with 2 Corie's

Sorry about the size of msg. Thank you for the time.

Any tips would be great.

Hi, sounds thought out - I’d just make changes gradually / small water changes so fish can adjust. Buy an ammonia , etc test kit to keep an eye out for mini-cycles as you make changes.
Thanks yeah I have to get more of them cos my mother can't find them. Thanks for reminding me.
An update. I have changed 90% of the gravel. An put new gravel in. I've bought temporary fake plants. An a 80% water change... I hope the albino Corie's are gonna be OK.. They seem it
:). Time will tell. I made the wrong choice on substrate... White on white doesn't work but they might feel camouflaged and safe lol

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