Should I euthanize my betta?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Feb 7, 2019
I have had my betta fish for almost 2 years, but lately he has been lethargic and sick, and now he is laying on the bottom of the tank and not moving. He is losing his colour and breathing heavily and I think he's dying. Should I consider euthanizing him?
When I first got him, he already had a lump on his side. I didn't think he would survive this long but he is a fighter.
He lived a very healthy and happy life despite the lump, which never went away. Recently the lump has grown larger and is on both sides, I think he has swim bladder. For many days he was staying at the surface completely vertically and rarely moved. I couldn't get him to eat his food (blood worms) or peas, nothing.
I cleaned his tank because I thought that might be the reason, but he hasn't gotten better.
Now he is laying on the bottom of the tank. He struggles to swim and swims sideways or upside down, and only a little bit before lying down again. There's nothing I can do to get him to eat.
He seems miserable and I feel really sad because he used to have so much personality. Is it possible to save him, or is it time to put him down? Or should I let him pass on his own? I'm not sure what to do :(
Have you talked to the pet store to see if they knew what the lumps were? I had a betta who had a strange lump on his head. Turned out to be cancer, he lived about 1.5 years surprisingly.
I would euthanize. He sounds like he's affected with abdominal dropsy and at an advanced stage where you don't really bring them back.
Thank you, I think that's the best option since he seems to be suffering and isn't himself anymore. What would you say is the best/most humane way to do it? I was leaning towards the clove oil method...

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