Should I pull all the tetras out of my tank and treat them?

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Feb 21, 2012
One tetra is sick. I have Maracyn Two and Maracide. Should I give all tetras a 30 min - 1 hr bath in this stuff? There are 1 or 2 that might be separating themselves from the school.

I am not sure what the one tetra has but he is in my hospital tank. I can put the others in another container but they can't stay there for too long.

Any opinions or advice?

Doesn't that kill all the beneficial bacteria in the tank and start a whole new cycle?
Hmmm ok works for me! How long do you leave the filter off? Does that mean daily water changes during the cycle? And I assume the treatments won't hurt the cories (not sure I mentioned they were in the tank too).
You dose the tank then do a water change after 24 hours then dose again for 5 days I think is what it says. It says all that on the med box
Nope the packages say to leave the filter running and add a boost to the filter like Bacterstart (after treatment). It also says that their meds won't kill BB.

I read (in this forum or another) not to keep the filters running because the BB would die and earlier when establishing the tank I read not to use any bacteria boosters. So it leaves me with conflicting information :/
If only I had that stuff :) That is why I was considering a med bath. Not sure I need to treat the cories at all.

Next time I'm getting Cardinal Tetras! These poor little guys :( I hope they make it. The one in the ISO tank is not doing well and has been like this for 2 days so.....
DOH! good idea I should have thought of that. LOL. Now I gotta find a something to put them in.


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