Shrimp behavior

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Nov 2, 2003
I have a 5.5 gallon desktop aquarium with some Amano shrimp (4). I change the water every Friday. So today after I changed the water my shrimp started swimming around like mad, around and around they go. Is this normal? The new water was the right temp and de-chlorinated. I did notice yesterday that my nitrate readings were a bit high (20ppm).

I've also noticed them doing strange things like riding "piggyback" on each other and doing something that looks like fighting. Very hyperactive. They're small (<1"). The 2" Amanos I have at home are lethargic by comparison...
Nitrite & Ammonia are both 0ppm. They only started this after the water change. Now they appear to be chasing each other in circles...weird. Maybe they are "happy". LOL
maybe their mating... theres someone in here that has baby amanos (had them breed) and maybe they can suggest something
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