Shrimp birth?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 23, 2012
Melbourne, Australia
I have some CRS and one of them has been pregnant for a while now.

A few days ago I noticed a baby shrimp and last night when I looked I could see 3 baby's. it still looks as though the mother has lots of eggs underneath her though so I'm curious as to how long it will take for them to all leave the eggs?

Anyone have any experience with this?
Crystal red shrimp or Cherry red shrimp ? Do you know if it's a first time mother ? some first time Mom's have problems, either dropping all the eggs unhatched, or some of them. If there are some live babies, it may mean the rest of the brood will follow, and it may mean she's having trouble and the rest won't hatch. But she will drop them, sooner or later, if she's healthy.
Crystal red shrimp or Cherry red shrimp ? Do you know if it's a first time mother ? some first time Mom's have problems, either dropping all the eggs unhatched, or some of them. If there are some live babies, it may mean the rest of the brood will follow, and it may mean she's having trouble and the rest won't hatch. But she will drop them, sooner or later, if she's healthy.

CRS = Crystal Red / RCS = Red Cherry
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