Shrimp & Plants

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Apr 10, 2011
Hey guys thinking about taking my spare 10g tank and making it a red cherry shrimp tank I was thinkinb about getting them from but they only allow me to get 30 shrimp at a time, i feel like thats to much for a 10g... what do you guys think?

I am also thinking about putting a couple plants in this tank was not planning on going to extrem with the plants, more so going for low light and no co2 use, any suggestions would be great on lighting and what plants to get, maybe a better site to get my shrimp from? or a differnt kind of shrimp you recommend for small planted tanks, I am also looking for shrimp that will clean the plants up i guess you can say and maintain them? shrimps that eat algea do they still need any types of pellets? any suggestions or comments would be great thanks guys.

What kind of filter do you recommend for a shrimp tank currently just have this cheap filter for the 10g and heat wise i have a 75g heater can i use that on a 10g or would that not workout lol? do i even need a heater for shrimp?

Edit: also is there any small tetras / barbs i can throw in with these?

Keep in mind i just cycled my tank, now how many shrimp should i add in at once?

And ah do i need a top for the tank? will shrimp try to escape? had that prob with cray fish b4
If your shrimp tank is strictly for shrimp. Thirty isnt much. But in about four months youll have 100. They are like rabbits.
thanks for your replay, i need more in depth info please, so what do i do when i have over a 100 in a tank lol, and when there babys how do i do a gravel vac without sucking em up, some 1 please answer my questions thanks
yeah 30 is not too many for a 10g at all. you can sell them or just give them away once you start getting too many. many people sell them on here
confidence651 said:
thanks for your replay, i need more in depth info please, so what do i do when i have over a 100 in a tank lol, and when there babys how do i do a gravel vac without sucking em up, some 1 please answer my questions thanks

Be very carful vacuming them is all i can say.

And what do you mean what do you do?
An RCS tank is pretty easy to set up and maintain. I've got a 5g Eclipse tank on my kitchen counter with java moss and anacharis in it and the shrimp go nuts in there. I pulled nearly 50 shrimp out of the tank maybe six weeks ago and sold them on Craigslist. I only do a 50% PWC every 2-3 weeks.
Plus they eat off the bottom you dont really need to vacuum.
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