Shrimp Tank

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jan 5, 2009
So the more I think about it the more I am leaning towards a shrimp & Neon/Cardinal/Rummynose (one of the 3). These tetra will stay small enough to avoid them eating all the shrimp correct. If not what other fish of this size/color will work. Id like to have a school of about 12-15 and 1 CAE on my 30 gallon heavy planted tank. Its going to have a carpet of Dwarf baby tears and a bunch of other plants as well.

This will all work togehter correct. I am all set on the high light/ferts/co2 etc unlss there is somehting different about having the shrimp in there two.

Anothe questions... can I incorporate a bamboo shrimp or two?
TheNamelessPoet said:
So the more I think about it the more I am leaning towards a shrimp & Neon/Cardinal/Rummynose (one of the 3). These tetra will stay small enough to avoid them eating all the shrimp correct. If not what other fish of this size/color will work. Id like to have a school of about 12-15 and 1 CAE on my 30 gallon heavy planted tank. Its going to have a carpet of Dwarf baby tears and a bunch of other plants as well.

This will all work togehter correct. I am all set on the high light/ferts/co2 etc unlss there is somehting different about having the shrimp in there two.

Anothe questions... can I incorporate a bamboo shrimp or two?

Ive heard from other people that neons will hunt down baby shrimp, but actually hunt them. Just make sure there are enough hiding places for the baby shrimp to escape the predators. Shrimp dont like all. Just start off slow to get them used to it. If you want to go with a smaller species, try chili rasboras, celestial pearl danios, and scarlet badis. If you went with chili rasboras or clelestial pearl danios you would be able to do a large school of either. I would say you could do about atleast school of 20? If you want a bamboo shrimp, just make sure there are some hiding places for it to molt in, and there's a nice current in the tank for it to feed off of.
So the shrimp in a heavy planted tank isnt really a great idea? I want to keep it at about 30-35ppm for the co2, which is sounds like may kill the shrimp?

Those Rasbora's are beautiful. The one thing I fear is them not staying together if they are all that is in the tank. will they still school pretty well or is the CAE enough to make that happen. lol I wish I could have my orange crayfish in there but he will def eat all the plants lol and destroy my carpet :eek:
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TheNamelessPoet said:
So the shrimp in a heavy planted tank isnt really a great idea? I want to keep it at about 30-35ppm for the co2, which is sounds like may kill the shrimp?

No, its definitely possible!! I would just start slow so the shrimp can get used to it all. There are plenty of people who have shrimp in their high tech tank!:)

now for the silly question... how do I start slow lol? I dont want to have the co2 TOO low and have a huge algae bloom, and I will probably get the plants before I get anything to live with them except the CAE
Avoid the CAE. They get big and nasty to slow moving fish, they eat the body slime.

Otos or Pitbull Plecos are much better.

Here is my tank for mostly Shrimp ok fish
( eat some babies , but adults are safe )
Stock list in my album
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