Shrimp won't breed

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jul 29, 2013
Hey guys I have a year old 20 gallon high setup that I turned into a shrimp tank. I have moss and driftwood. I ordered 20 tawain fire reds and they are doing fine but I don't see any babies or any saddled shrimp why won't they breed.
Are any of them adults ? And are you sure you have both sexes of adults?
My crystal reds were in the tank for a while before I saw any breeding. Sometimes they just have to completely acclimate before they breed. What is your water change and feeding schedule?
+1 with the previous poster. It takes time for them to get comfortable. I have noticed shrimp slow down breeding when the weather cools off too.
My crystal reds were in the tank for a while before I saw any breeding. Sometimes they just have to completely acclimate before they breed. What is your water change and feeding schedule?

I do a 50% water change weekly and feed every other day
what is your ph? and do you have a kit for dkh? neocaridina heteropoda are considered beginner shrimp, and will breed very easy and frequently. they adapt to just about any water condition, but will breed much easier with a ph of 6.6-7 and dkh of 7-8
50% water change is what I do but I feed daily. That shouldn't matter though. Can you tell a difference in their spines? Are they all straight or do some have a slight curve to it.
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