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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Aug 17, 2020
Hi. I have a 3 gallon aquarium and have been playing with having Cherry shrimp and snails and plants.
I wanted an aquarium without too much of an investment. It has been 3 years and I think I finally have that vision I had looking at the back of comic books at the sea monkeys. I even got them a castle.
I recently dealt with a whole bunch of copepods and managed to whittle their numbers to a less disturbing amount.:)

Welcome to the community :Welcome:

Shrimp are my favorite :) Shrimp are a fun creature to keep.

Are you getting ready for some new type to keep?
First tank is a very long time.
I started with a 5 gallon glass water bottle. I wanted a self contained aquarium that didn't require filters and heaters and I would not have to feed them.
It worked pretty well until I got bored and added a betta. Oops.
So I started over. and tried a different set up. And again with a different set up.
I finally bought a real 3 gal tank with a sponge filter and a little heater. But I had copepods so I added one guppie to eat them. The guppie also ate the baby shrimp.
I took the guppie out and the shrimp got very happy. I also have four fun loving snails.
I imagine I have spent $400 on my aquarium adventure. :fish2:
There is a lot of learning in this hobby! Mistakes can help others learn for their future tanks.

You can share and help others here too, so they can maybe stop from making the learners mistakes!

As for the costs, my friend mentioned, that this as a hobby isn't nearly as expensive as motor sports, boating, skiing, and named a few others. So I had felt sooooo much better with it put into that perspective!
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